Armed Forces Academy of general Milan Rastislav Štefánik


A visit from a partner military educational institution from Hungary

A visit from a partner military educational institution from…

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Interdisciplinary education and training on hybrid threats

Interdisciplinary education and training on hybrid threats

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AFA students excellent at the SECOSAFT 2023 conference

AFA students excellent at the SECOSAFT 2023 conference

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First year cadet military program

First year cadet military program

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Our cadets at NATO cyber exercise in Tallinn

Our cadets at NATO cyber exercise in Tallinn

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Completion of the ISOC course no.28

Completion of the ISOC course no.28

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Cooperation with "National Guard Indiana"

Cooperation with "National Guard Indiana"

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International course "BASIC ATC PROCEDURE COURSE II"

International course "BASIC ATC PROCEDURE COURSE II"

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V4 negotiations in the field of arms control

V4 negotiations in the field of arms control

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  • Address
  • Demänová 393, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš 1